Saga of the Clones – Part 22: The Mask
Kuma: | I have enough of this armour! |
Kuma: | Glue and sticky tape was enough to make me like new! |
Kuma: | I am in very good form, isn’t it? |
Neko: | I beg your pardon! I have to throw up! |
venerdì, 22 giugno 2007
Saga of the Clones – Part 22: The Mask
Kuma: | I have enough of this armour! |
Kuma: | Glue and sticky tape was enough to make me like new! |
Kuma: | I am in very good form, isn’t it? |
Neko: | I beg your pardon! I have to throw up! |
domenica, 1 luglio 2007
Sopravvissuti alla piacevole trasferta in quel di Casteggio, do’ inoltre il benvenuto a Sua Altezza la Principessa Neko, ufficialmente internettizzata e pronta a commentare con la consueta dolcezza le mie strip.
Per chi le avesse dimenticate, ecco le altre strip sui manganelli.
Giulia: | What is the name of the new chief of police? |
Kuma: | Truncheons! |
Giulia: | What? |
Neko: | Here they are! |
Kuma: | Ahia! Ahia! I didn’t talk to you! |
Giulia: | that’ll teach you to don’t raise your voice! Boor! |
martedì, 17 luglio 2007
The tapir, this unknown
Giulia: | Hi, who are you? |
Ludovico: | I am Ludovico, the tapir! |
Giulia: | Ah. |
Giulia: | And what exactly is a tapir? |
Ludovico: | I feared you ask me that! |