Archivio di marzo 2006

Verba Volant Scripta Manent

Verba Volant Scripta Manent

Neko: Can you give me your blog’s address?
Kuma: Sure! eicheichtitipicolonslashslashorsociccionedotblogspotdotcom
Neko: A-Ah!
Kuma: I write it for you!
Neko: Soo good!

Inoltre vi consiglio:
CSS Zen Garden

… perché anche nel web ci vuole stile!

Sketchbook n. 1

Sketchbook n. 1

Inoltre vi consiglio:
lo Sketchbook di Kevin Cornell

Harmonious unification of Design, Art & Lackluster Humor.

Fatal Error

Fatal Error

Neko: Is this the strip for tomorrow?
Kuma: Yes, I finish with pencil…
…then I ink it…
… and at last I eraseooOPS!
Neko: People have died for much less, you know?