Archivio di marzo 2006

Concreta Incidenza

Concreta Incidenza

Kuma: Stop insulting me!
Neko: Insulting? It’s not my fault if you are old and fatty… and I am young and pretty. Nature is sometimes cruel!

Per fortuna la mia gatta scherza (o no?), ma purtroppo c’è chi fa sul serio

Inoltre vi consiglio:

Stuff for smart masses.

Nutria Cinese

Nutria Cinese

Ste: Didn’t we order the chicken?
Vera: I told you they cook nutrias!
Lu: Would you like a mushroom?

Giacomo! Giacomo!

Giacomo! Giacomo!

Neko: What did the doctor say about x-ray?
Kuma: She said I have a beautiful knee!
Neko: Really!
Kuma: Look!
Neko: Really… you should use this on your identity card! It makes you slim!

Inoltre vi consiglio:

La rubrica che mancava.