Archivio per la categoria 'Cross Over'

La saga dei Cloni – Parte 17: Il Lato Oscuro del Fumetto

La saga dei Cloni - Parte 17: Il Lato Oscuro del Fumetto

Saga of the Clones – Part 17: The Dark Side of the Comics

Zak: Hi, Bear!
Kuma: Hi, Zak! DO you already know Neko?
Zak: Die, damned clone!
Neko: Join the Dark Side, young Zaknafein!
Zak: But… I am already on the Dark Side!
Neko: Really? Oh, well… so, who can we kill now?

La saga dei Cloni – Parte 18: La Grande Fuga

La saga dei Cloni - Parte 18: La Grande Fuga

Saga of the Clones – Part 18: The Great Escape

Zak: Don’t resist to the Dark Side, Bear! Come back here!
Neko: Stop! You must sacrifice yourself for your reading public!
(sign): Today’s strip will not be broadcasted for causes beyond my control.

La saga dei Cloni – Parte 20: Netturbini Spaziali

La saga dei Cloni - Parte 20: Netturbini Spaziali

E se ancora non lo conoscete, visitate:

… vita da netturbini spaziali!

Saga of the Clones – Part 20: Space Dustmen

Mody: So disgusting! whaGLt are that?
Sheeppard: Pieces of fatty bear! They play with light sabers and then we have to clean!
Neko: Any problem?
Sheeppard: Absolutely not, Princess! I will clean everything in a moment!
Neko: So it’s ok! And remember to clean the latrine, too! Don’t work as usual!