Archivio per la categoria 'La saga dei Cloni'

La saga dei Cloni – Parte 3: Dubbi esistenziali

The saga of the clone – part 3: Existential doubts

Kuma: Good heavens! You can’t get rid of the clones because they have existential doubts!
Neko: Eh, but they are ALMOST more annoying than you!
Kuma: But didn’t you ever put yourself any important existential doubt?
Neko: Sure! What do you think? Tzè!
Kuma: For example?
Neko: For example… do you think I am more sexy with the red or the black dress?
Red Clone: I think the red is definitely better!
Black Clone: Oh, how should you know? You are just a stupid clone!

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Canto di Natale di RX

… un’imperdibile parodia in 15 puntate!

La saga dei Cloni – Parte 4: Identità

The saga of the Clones – Part 4: Identity

Neko: What’s up?
Kuma: How can I know you are the real Neko and not one of those clones? You must give me a proof!
Neko: Listen, smangy old fatty bear: I don’t have to proof anything! So, chubby, move that finger out of the way or I’ll bite it!
Kuma: Thanks, now I am reassured!
Neko: Not at all!

La saga dei Cloni – Parte 5: Evolution

The saga of the Clones – Part 5: Evolution
Guest Star: Johnny Depp as The Clone

Kuma: Uff… in these days I have too much things to do: I am short of energy!
Kuma: Could you make a clone for me, too?
Neko: Mmmh… yes, why not?
Kuma: He doesn’t look like me at all!
Neko: Well, I just improved him A LITTLE! However, one fatty bear is well enough!

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Poker d’Assi Fan-Art Contest 2006

… partecipate numerosi!