Archivio per la categoria 'Senza categoria'

Babbo Natale

Santa Claus

Neko: This year Christmas is more Kitsch than ever!
Neko: Santas hanging everywhere, garish lights…
Neko: … and don’t forget all those singing and dancing Santas! If I see another one with his “Oh! Oh! Oh!” I’ll crash it!
Kuma: Oh! Oh! Oh! Merry Christmas! Oh! Oh! Oh!

Lo speciale di Natale

… da mezzanotte (circa) sotto l’albero!

Baciccioni sotto il vischio

Fatty Kisses under the mistletoe

Kuma: Look… mistletoe!
Neko: Are you crazy? Do you want I have an heart attack?
For a moment I thought you want to kiss me!
What a fright!

Buoni propositi

Good intentions

(notice): New year’s good intensions:
1) try to be more kind
Kuma: Come on, you can do it!