Archivio per la categoria 'Senza categoria'

Il mio canto libero

My free song (also title of famous italian song)

Kuma: You can’t stop me from singing, you know?
Neko: You’re right! Please do!
Kuma: Are you serious?
Neko: Sure! This is a free country!
Kuma: The diggeeer… (famous Mario Merola’s song)



Neko: Why are you late with the strip today, too?
Kuma: Well, yesterday my brother-in-law went to the doctor and said he had metempsychosis! Then, doctor became very angry and hitted him on the nape with a pot of petunia, but it was too late, so my brother-in-law started to disturb people – metempsychosis here, metempsychosis there – until they brought him back home, where that good woman of my sister closed him in the storage room with the goats.
Neko: Find another one! This one was suggested to you by the Crap Team!
Kuma: It is their fault: I stayed up late at the pub with them!

E per leggere altre cazzate:

… il sito della Squadra Cazzate!

Sua Maestà

Oggi è una giornata storica: come forse qualcuno di noi avrà notato, Sua Maestà la Principessa Neko, meglio conosciuta come la Gatta Bastarda, si è collegata a Internet ed ha visitato il mio blog. Non è la sua prima visita, ma oggi ha lasciato il suo primo, storico (, acido) commento, seguito a breve distanza da un altro sul post di oggi. Gioite! Gioite!

Today is a historic day: as perhaps someone between you already noticed, Her Majesty the Princess Neko, best known as The Bastard Cat, has connected to Internet and has visited my blog. This is not her first visit, but today she has posted her fisrt, historic (, sharp) comment, quickly followed by another one on today’s post. Cheer up! Cheer Up!

Inoltre vi consiglio:
Princess Neko

… per vedere tutte le sue creazioni!