Lu: | Hi, bear! Do you want to seat? |
Kuma: | Do you want to give seat to elderly people? |
Lu: | Nooo, cooome on! |
Kuma: | What are you doing? |
Lu: | I’m studying for my exam in Geography of communication! |
Kuma: | What does it mean? |
Lu: | I’m not sure I can explain that! I hope she’ll not ask me during the exam! |
Archivio per la categoria 'Senza categoria'
Geografia delle comunicazioni
giovedì, 27 aprile 2006
Orso Ciccione on Elm Street
venerdì, 28 aprile 2006
Kuma: | These Nightmare on Elm Street DVD are very cool! |
Kuma: | Wow! But it’s late! Better I do some work! |
Kuma: | Come on, Freddy! I’ve already told to you: I finish here then I come back, ok? |
Lieto Fine
giovedì, 4 maggio 2006
Neko: | You was right: this movie is very beautiful and romantic! So touching! |
Kuma: | I told you that! |
Neko: | If there is not a happy ending I will kill you, you know? |
Inoltre vi consiglio:
… per chi ha problemi di immagine