Archivio per la categoria 'La Mamma'
Viva le donne!
mercoledì, 8 marzo 2006
Man 1: | My Friend! Two Euro! Buy it! |
Man 2: | My friend! For your girlfriend! My friend! |
Kuma: | Anf! Pant! |
Mom: | You are so kind! You have remembered it! |
Kuma: | Really: it was impossible to forget! |
Inoltre vi segnalo:
Gottfried Helnwein
Un altro artista folle…
Buon compleanno!
domenica, 21 maggio 2006
Kuma: | Happy Birthday, Mummy! |
Mum: | So sweet! You remembered it! |
Kuma: | Sure, I also have the cake! To don’t show your age, I used just one candle… a sort of simble… |
Inoltre vi consiglio:
My Heritage Face Recognition
Scopri che faccia hai!