Kuma: | Excuse me, do you also have “Controcampo”? |
Shopper: | Oh, yes… the one with the Black Cat Calendar! |
Kuma: | No, but… there is a very interesting article inside… |
Man: | Oh, yes… everyone say that! |
Woman: | Maniac! |
Archivio per la categoria 'TV'
Articoli interessanti
martedì, 19 settembre 2006
L’Isola dei Famosi
venerdì, 22 settembre 2006
Simona Ventura: | Sara Tommasi, write your two nominations on the blackboard! |
Sara Tommasi: | It doesn’t write! Ah, but probably it will light up… |
Simona Ventura: | Nooo! That’s the jack of the headphones! There is the chalk! |
Kuma: | How does she can so stupid? |
Simona Ventura: | Sara, Bocconi called: your bechelor is burned! |
Kuma: | That’s the reason why it didn’t write! |
Simona Ventura: | See you next week! |
Sara Tommasi colpisce ancora
mercoledì, 27 settembre 2006
Le frasi indimenticabili dell’Isola dei famosi (ancora Sara Tommasi):
Sara Tommasi: | That man throw away seven beans on principle while here we’re dying of hunger! |
Voice: | Grrrrr… |
Neko: | Did you hear that? Who is it? |
Kuma: | Mh…? |
Sara Tommasi: | That’s incredible! |
Sara Tommasi: | People are dying of hunger here! |
Voice: | Grrrrr… |
Kuma: | Nothing, it’s the F.A.O.! Imagine it: when they hear such things… |