Archivio di giugno 2007

La saga dei Cloni – Parte 20: Netturbini Spaziali

La saga dei Cloni - Parte 20: Netturbini Spaziali

E se ancora non lo conoscete, visitate:

… vita da netturbini spaziali!

Saga of the Clones – Part 20: Space Dustmen

Mody: So disgusting! whaGLt are that?
Sheeppard: Pieces of fatty bear! They play with light sabers and then we have to clean!
Neko: Any problem?
Sheeppard: Absolutely not, Princess! I will clean everything in a moment!
Neko: So it’s ok! And remember to clean the latrine, too! Don’t work as usual!

La saga dei Cloni – Parte 21: Dart Bär

La saga dei Cloni - Parte 21: Dart Bàr

La saga dei Cloni - Parte 21: Dart BàrEd ecco il disegno che mi ha mandato il mitico Zak,
facendomi decidere definitivamente su chi avrebbe vestito il ruolo di Darth Vader.

Aggiornamento: non poteva mancare la colonna sonora!


Saga of the Clones – Part 21: Dart Bär

Giulia: Don’t you think you gone too far with the bear?
Neko: Nooo! Don’t you know? In comic books no one die for real!
Giulia: And who said that?
Neko: I don’t know, but so it seems!
Neko: And as a matter of fact, some glue and sticky tape were enough and he’s like new!
Darth Bàr: Ssssh… sssh… did anybody see my ventolin?

La saga dei Cloni – Parte 22: The Mask

La saga dei Cloni - Parte 22: The Mask
Saga of the Clones – Part 22: The Mask

Kuma: I have enough of this armour!
Kuma: Glue and sticky tape was enough to make me like new!
Kuma: I am in very good form, isn’t it?
Neko: I beg your pardon! I have to throw up!