Archivio di novembre 2006

Cross Over: La sindrome di Galadriel

Cross Over: The Galadriel Syndrome

Neko: Have you hear it? Learn it!
Galadriel: You! On your knees! You don’t worship me enough and this is unjustifiable!
Niblasi: Sorry, Our Lady, we didn’t want…
Galadriel: SHUT UP! To worship means to never say “sorry”!

Non potevo non commentare in questo modo la splendida vignetta di Zak pubblicata su Parajedamina.

I couldn’t avoid to comment in this way the wonderful Zak’s Cartoon published on Parajedamina.

Per leggere le avventure di Galadriel e dei suoi compagni:

… non potrete più farne senza!

La saga dei Cloni – Parte 4: Identità

The saga of the Clones – Part 4: Identity

Neko: What’s up?
Kuma: How can I know you are the real Neko and not one of those clones? You must give me a proof!
Neko: Listen, smangy old fatty bear: I don’t have to proof anything! So, chubby, move that finger out of the way or I’ll bite it!
Kuma: Thanks, now I am reassured!
Neko: Not at all!

La saga dei Cloni – Parte 5: Evolution

The saga of the Clones – Part 5: Evolution
Guest Star: Johnny Depp as The Clone

Kuma: Uff… in these days I have too much things to do: I am short of energy!
Kuma: Could you make a clone for me, too?
Neko: Mmmh… yes, why not?
Kuma: He doesn’t look like me at all!
Neko: Well, I just improved him A LITTLE! However, one fatty bear is well enough!

Inoltre vi segnalo:
Poker d’Assi Fan-Art Contest 2006

… partecipate numerosi!