Archivio di novembre 2006

Combinazioni inquietanti

Rileggendo la vignetta, devo ammettere che sembra davvero un omaggio a Merola, con l’orso ciccione che canta in napoletano (anche se nel caso avrei scelto una canzone più adatta) e che poi *click* viene spento lasciando l’ultima vignetta nel silenzio. Se avessi voluto fare davvero un omaggio non avrei potuto pensare a niente di meglio.
Invece la vignetta girava nella mia testa già da un mese e l’ho disegnata e postata oggi perché non avevo altro. A volte la vita e la morte giocano con noi e fanno capitare queste combinazioni inquietanti.

I read my strip again, and I have to say it really seems a tribute to Merola, with the Fatty Bear singing “‘O sole mio” (even if I could choose another song) and then *click* he’s turned off leaving the last one with no words. If I wanted to make a tribute, I was not able to think something better.
The strip sateyed in my mind for a while month and I decided to draw and post it today just because I didn’t have anything else. Sometimes life and death play with us and create these disturbing coincidence.

L’Orso Ciccione

Il mio canto libero

My free song (also title of famous italian song)

Kuma: You can’t stop me from singing, you know?
Neko: You’re right! Please do!
Kuma: Are you serious?
Neko: Sure! This is a free country!
Kuma: The diggeeer… (famous Mario Merola’s song)



Neko: Why are you late with the strip today, too?
Kuma: Well, yesterday my brother-in-law went to the doctor and said he had metempsychosis! Then, doctor became very angry and hitted him on the nape with a pot of petunia, but it was too late, so my brother-in-law started to disturb people – metempsychosis here, metempsychosis there – until they brought him back home, where that good woman of my sister closed him in the storage room with the goats.
Neko: Find another one! This one was suggested to you by the Crap Team!
Kuma: It is their fault: I stayed up late at the pub with them!

E per leggere altre cazzate:

… il sito della Squadra Cazzate!