The saga of the clone – part 3: Existential doubts
Kuma: | Good heavens! You can’t get rid of the clones because they have existential doubts! |
Neko: | Eh, but they are ALMOST more annoying than you! |
Kuma: | But didn’t you ever put yourself any important existential doubt? |
Neko: | Sure! What do you think? Tzè! |
Kuma: | For example? |
Neko: | For example… do you think I am more sexy with the red or the black dress? |
Red Clone: | I think the red is definitely better! |
Black Clone: | Oh, how should you know? You are just a stupid clone! |
Inoltre vi segnalo:
Canto di Natale di RX
… un’imperdibile parodia in 15 puntate!